Installation and Getting Started

The first step to use SciWING is to install the package on your local system. Once the package is installed, you can directly access the functionalities of SciWING. SciWING downloads the pre-trained models, embeddings and other information that is required to run the models on-demand basis.

On this page, we provide some basic tutorials on installation of SciWING and basic usage of SciWING.

Installation from Pip

SciWING currently only supports Python 3.7. This is the default and the only way to install SciWING using Pip, the python package manager. Do make sure that the pip version is 3.7 as well. We recommend using virtualenv which helps in keeping the development environment clean. To setup a virtual environtment, simply run

virtualenv -ppython3.7 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

To install SciWING, just run

pip install sciwing

This installs all the dependencies required to run SciWING like PyTorch.

If you want to install sciwing for the current user then you can use

pip install -U sciwing

Building from source

  • Clone from git
git clone
  • cd sciwing
  • Install the module in development mode
pip install -e .
  • Download spacy models
python -m spacy download en
  • Create directories where SciWING’s data are stored and embeddings/data are downloaded
sciwing develop makedirs
sciwing develop download

This step is optional. This will download the data and embeddings required for development. If you do not perform this step, then it gets downloadd later upon first request

  • SciWING uses pytest for testing. You can use the following command to run tests
pytest tests -n auto --dist=loadfile

The test suite is huge and again, it will take some time to run. We will put efforts to reduce the test time in the next iterations.

Running API Services

The APIs are built using FastAPI. We have APIs for citation string parsing, citation and intent classification and many other models. To run the APIs navigate into the api folder of this repository and run

uvicorn api:app --reload


Navigate to http://localhost:8000/docs to access the SwaggerUI. The UI enables you to try the different APIs using a web interface.

Running the Demos

The demos are built using Streamlit. The Demos make use of the APIs. Please make sure that the APIs are running before the demos can be started. Navigate to the app folder and run the demo using streamlit (Installed along with the package). For example, this command runs all the demos.


The demos download the models and the embeddings if already not downloaded and running the first time on your local machine might take time and memory. We have tested this on a 16GB MacBook Pro and works well. All the demos run on CPU for now and does not make use of any GPU, even when present.

streamlit run

Accessing Models

SciWING comes with many pre-trained scientific documenting processing models, that are easily accessible using a few lines of Python code. SciWING provides a consistent interface for all of its models. You can access these models, immediately after installation. The required model parameters, the embeddings etc are downloaded and initialized.


The first time access of these models takes time, since we need to download them. Allow 60s, for the downloads to complete. Future access of the models are faster

Citation String Parsing

Neural Parscit is a citation parsing model. A citation string contains information like the author, the title of the publication, the conference/journal the year of publication etc. Neural Parscit extracts such information from references.

from sciwing.models.neural_parscit import NeuralParscit

# predict for a citation
neural_parscit = NeuralParscit()

# Predict on a reference string
neural_parscit.predict_for_text("Calzolari, N. (1982) Towards the organization of lexical definitions on a database structure. In E. Hajicova (Ed.), COLING '82 Abstracts, Charles University, Prague, pp.61-64.")

# Predict on a file - The file should contain one referece for string